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[30%추가힐인] 嘻哈说唱学汉语3 (附赠CD光盘1张) HIP HOP 힙합설창학한어3 (CD포함)
판매가 38,000원  할인내역

구분 할인
기본할인 23,800원
적립금 142원
배송 택배 70,000원 이상 구매 시 무료
고객평가 0건  ★★★★★ 0/5
저자 卢毓文
ISBN 9787561922859
출판사 北京语言大学出版社
총 상품금액 14,200



  • 出版社: 北京语言大学出版社; 第1版 (2009年2月1日)
  • 平装: 87页
  • 语种: 简体中文, 英语
  • 开本: 16
  • ISBN: 9787561922859
  • 条形码: 9787561922859
  • 商品尺寸: 29 x 21.6 x 3.4 cm
  • 商品重量: 281 g





录音目录Contents of the audio CD
课程概览Curr iculum Overview
序Preface 1:张洪年序
序Preface 2:陆俭明序
序Preface 3:金圣华序
作者序Author’s Preface
Lesson 1 My name
Lesson 2 Nothing to fear
Lesson 3 You ask and 1 wilI answer
Lesson 4 Stop!Look!Listen!
Lesson 5 Just right
Lesson 6 Little sta rs
Lesson 7 Cou nti ng frogs
Lesson 8 Song of measure words
Lesson 9 May I please?
Lesson 10 Scissors,rock and paper
Lesson 11 My friends are here
Lesson 12 The global person
Lesson 13 Where do you live?
Lesson 14 East,west,south and north
Lesson 15 Poinf and show
Lesson 16 Stroke order song
Lesson 17 A strong sailor
Lesson 18 Good manners
Lesson 19 Eat healthily
Lesson 20 Time is up


“What is the first thing that a baby does when it comes into the world?”Sarah Lu asks in one of the beginning lessons of her new language manual entitled Mandarin Hip Hop.The baby cries.And with that very first cry,the newborn begins to communicate and establishes bonds with the people who are nearby rejoicing at that piercing squeal.And,soon to follow that cry will be the baby’S first giggle and laugh.an expansion of its sound repertoire with which it expressesits needs,fears and happiness.With more giggles and cries,a child mimics the adults,experi.mentmg with various strange sounds and associating them with things and deeds jn the sound.ing world.A mother tongue begins as a foreign language,a speech that a child learns through im.itations and repetitions.The learning is never short of challenges,but each challenge is surely to come with fun and appreciation.Fun invites participation and fun promises gratification.No fun,no gain.Fun is indeed the key that characterizes Sarah’S philosophy in teaching and learning Chinese.a language whose graphic and tonal complexities are often found to be an ultimate chal.1enge to linguistic sophistication.
As her book title indicates,Sarah teaches through chants and songs in the language manual.Children have a natural inclination for music.With its rhythmic flow from word to word,language readily translates into music.Sarah makes a special effort to evoke that musicality inspeech and turns it into a source of motivation and enjoyment in language learning.She choosespopular musical tunes and folksy chant patterns for winsome Chinese lyrics that she composesherself.She correlates the musical pitch with the particular tone of a Chinese word,a skillful de.sign that enables easy acquisition of lexical tones.She mixmatches the Chinese lyrics with Eng.1ish words and phrases,and offers the combinations as mnemonic reminders of vocabulary.Shebuilds complex sentence patterns into seemingly simple chants that help to consolidate the struc.tural foundation in grammar.She tells stories that highlight cultural particulars.including social.historical and geographical information that iS crucial to meaningful conversation.especially withnative speakers.The CD recordings that accompany the texts are essential performances by bilin.gual children,an arrangement that cheerfully invites students to ioin in and sing along.In short,Sarah makes learnin~~Chinese fun rather than a chore.



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