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  • 고객센터
旅游汉语(第5册)(附DVD光盘2张) [平装] 여유한어(제5책)(부DVD광반2장) [평장]
판매가 42,000원  할인내역

구분 할인
기본할인 18,000원
적립금 240원
배송 택배 70,000원 이상 구매 시 무료
고객평가 0건  ★★★★★ 0/5
저자 《旅游汉语》节目组 (&
ISBN 9787560092935
출판사 外语教学与研
총 상품금액 24,000


  • 出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社; 第1版 (2010年10月1日)
  • 平装: 201页
  • 正文语种: 简体中文, 英语
  • 开本: 16
  • ISBN: 7560092934, 9787560092935
  • 条形码: 9787560092935
  • 商品尺寸: 22.6 x 15.8 x 1.4 cm
  • 商品重量: 381 g





    Travel in Chinese integrates linguistic functions into real-life scenes and,withaudio teaching aids,emphasises liste.niiig and peaking skills.
    Travel ln Chinese is perfect for learners of Chitlese at elementary and intermediatelevels,and for people who are interesfedirt.Chinese culture and customs to study thelanguage on their own.
    This series Includos:
    Five textbooks
    TwogiftDVDs for eachtextbook
    The features of this series:
    It provides a panoramic view of real-life scenes in China,with language progressing from the very basic usages to more sophisticated communications.
    The DVD programme takes you on a visual trip to more than 20 picturesque tourist spots and historic sites in nine provinces in China.
    Detailed English instructions provide friendly and encouraging assistance for beginners and self-learners.
    Rich cultural knowle咄e and background information blend with authentic and interest- ing daily Chinese expressions.
    About the programme:
    The TV programme Travel in Chinese was shot on actual sites by China Central TV the nationalTVnetworkand apromise ofhighquality.
    The programme becomes SO popular among learners at home and abroad that it has been rebroadcast several times since first airing.
    It is hosted by Mark Rowswell(Dashan),an anchorman best known in China for his humorous and accurate style.


    第1课 苏州
    第2课 拙政呒
    第3课 沧浪亭
    第4课 留园
    第5课 西湖
    第6课 品茶
    第7课 内蒙古
    第8课 蒙古包
    第9课 火焰山
    第10课 葡萄沟
    第11课 坎儿井
    第12课 大巴扎
    第13课 桂林
    第14课 漓江
    第15课 阳朔
    第16课 刘三姐



    An interesting bit of trivia is that Urumqi is the farthest city in theworld from the ocean, at 2.25o kilometres. However, for over two thousandyears, the area around Urumqi has been lush pasture populated by manyminorities who herded sheep and cattle. It was once an important townon the new northern route of the Silk Road, which linked central China tocentral Asia and even to the Middle East and Europe.
    One fun attraction in Urumqi is to go on a bazaar tour, as thisprovides a good opportunity to mingle with the different ethnic groupsand understand the life and customs of the local people. When you seethe peddlers in their embroidered caps and the women in their colourfulshawls, or hear the haunting ballads at a street-side restaurant, there isno mistaking where you are. Visitors can taste a variety of national foods,enjoy fresh fruits and shop for local Xinjiang handicrafts. ErdaoqiaoMarket is a very famous bazaar featuring ornate carpets, beautiful silks,unique medicines, traditional musical instruments and horse whips. This isa must-see destination when you get to Urumqi.
감자도리 : 회사가기 시러 —한국어,중국어 대조 土豆Dori的故事/不想上班——中韩对照漫画读本
이것이 바로 중국이다. 중국의 일상문화 (중국어,한국어 대조) 这就是中国:中国日常文化(中韩对照)(中国文化读本系列)
감자도리 : 연애하기 시러 —한국어,중국어 대조 土豆Dori的故事/不想恋爱——中韩对照漫画读本

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현재 비밀번호
신규 비밀번호
신규 비밀번호 확인
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