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페이스북 트위터 
剑桥双语分级阅读.小说馆:入门级(套装共11册) 검교쌍어분급열독.소설관:입문급(투장공11책)
판매가 47,500원  할인내역

구분 할인
기본할인 21,700원
적립금 258원
배송 택배 70,000원 이상 구매 시 무료
전자상거래 상품정보 제공 고시
도서명 剑桥双语分级阅读.小说馆:入门级(套装共11册) 검교쌍어분급열독.소설관:입문급(투장공11책)
저자, 출판사 摩西 (Antoinette Moses) (作者), 贺晓丽 (编译), 秦怡 (编译),北京语言大学出版社 북경어언대학출판사
크기 20.8 x 13.6 x 5.8 cm
쪽수 616
ISBN 9787561941522
출간일 2015年4月1日
목차 또는 책소개 目录 《小书呆子》目录: People in the story/故事中的人物/6 Places in the story/故事中的地点/7 Before reading/读前思考/8 Chapter l Books are my life/书就是我的生活/9 Chapter2 Ella/埃拉/12 Chapter 3 Where's my laptop?/我的笔记本电脑去哪儿了?/18 Chapter 4 I don't need Ella/我不需要埃拉/23 Chapter 5 Steve/史蒂夫/27 Chapter 6 Anewlife/新的生活/3l After reading/读后活动/36 Learning guide/学习指导/37 Translation/参考译文/43 …… 《蓬发奇缘》 《漂泊寻爱》 《彩票风波》 《为什么?》 《赃款》 《牛津凶案》 《让我出去!》 《黑珍珠项链》 《槟城档案》 《窗边少女》
고객평가 0건  ★★★★★ 0/5
저자 摩西 (Antoinette Moses) (作者), 贺晓丽 (编译), 秦怡 (编译)
ISBN 9787561941522
출판사 北京语言大学出版社 북경어언대학출판사
총 상품금액 25,800


  • 出版社: 北京语言大学出版社; 第1版 (2015年4月1日)
  • 平装: 616页
  • 语种: 简体中文, 英语
  • 开本: 32
  • ISBN: 9787561941522
  • 条形码: 9787561941522
  • 商品尺寸: 20.8 x 13.6 x 5.8 cm
  • 商品重量: 862 g



《剑桥双语分级阅读小说馆:入门级(套装共11册)》是国内 套全部由当地原创短篇小说组成的分级读物,能提升读者21世纪跨文化交际技能。由人大附中、北大附中、清华附中等全国30多所重点中学的50多位英语教师集体编译、推荐。




作者:(英国)摩西(Antoinette Moses) 编译:贺晓丽 秦怡


People in the story/故事中的人物/6 
Places in the story/故事中的地点/7 
Before reading/读前思考/8 
Chapter l Books are my life/书就是我的生活/9 
Chapter2 Ella/埃拉/12 
Chapter 3 Where's my laptop?/我的笔记本电脑去哪儿了?/18 
Chapter 4 I don't need Ella/我不需要埃拉/23 
Chapter 5 Steve/史蒂夫/27 
Chapter 6 Anewlife/新的生活/3l 
After reading/读后活动/36 
Learning guide/学习指导/37 







When I come out with my pizza, I see the girl again.She isn't sleeping now. She looks cold and hungry. I stop. 
'Hello,' I say. 
'Have you got a pound?' the girl asks. 
'Yes,' I say. 'Are you hungry? I've got a pizza. Doyou like pizza?' 
'I don't eat anchovies,' says the girl. 
'Anchovies?' I say. 
'Small fish, lots of salt,' she says. 
'I know what anchovies are. There aren't anyanchovies on this pizza.' I laugh. 'Socrates likesanchovies, but I don't.' 
'Socrates?' she asks. I think she's about sixteen,and she's pretty, but very thin. 
'Socrates is my cat,' I say. 'And I'm David,' I tellher. 
'My name's Ella,' says the girl. 'Now, where's thispizza?' 
'I'm not afraid of Steve,' I tell her. 
'Then you're stupid,' says Ella. 'Steve's bad, verybad. David, listen to me. Steve's got a gun.' 
A gun? This isn't my life. I don't live in a worldwith guns. In books people have guns. In films peoplehave guns. I know there are guns in London, but nothere in Hampstead. People don't have guns here. 
'Ella, we must go to the police,' I say. 'You musttell them about Steve.' 
'Oh, David,' says Ella. 'You still don't understandanything. I need drugs.' 
'You don't need drugs,' I tell her. 
'I try,' says Ella. 'I come here. I think I don't needdrugs. But it's not easy.' 
'You can stop,' I say, but I'm just saying words.It's not easy to stop taking drugs. 
'I don't like Steve, but he gives me drugs. I selldrugs for him.' 
I don't know what to say. 
Ella is talking to Socrates. 
'You're a good cat,' she says. 'You must tell Davidthat pizza every day isn't good.' And Ella starts to cry. 
'Miaow,' says Socrates. 
'Yes, David needs food.' Now Ella is laughing andcrying. Then we hear a noise outside the house andshe stops laughing. 
'Oh no,' says Ella. 'It's Steve!'

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新概念英语 第3册 培养技能智慧版 学生用书 신개념영어 제3책 배양기능 지혜판 학생용서
新概念英语 第二册 实践与进步智慧版 学生用书 신개념영어 제2책 실천여진보 지혜판 학생용서
新概念英语第一册 英语初阶智慧版 学生用书 신개념영어 제1책 영어초계지혜판 학생용서

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