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페이스북 트위터 
Jojo's Story
剑桥双语分级阅读·小说馆:战火遗孤(第2级)(英汉对照) 검교쌍어분급열독·소설관:전화유고(제2급)(영한대조) Jojo's Story
판매가 5,500원  할인내역

구분 할인
기본할인 2,500원
적립금 30원
배송 택배 70,000원 이상 구매 시 무료
전자상거래 상품정보 제공 고시
도서명 剑桥双语分级阅读·小说馆:战火遗孤(第2级)(英汉对照) 검교쌍어분급열독·소설관:전화유고(제2급)(영한대조) Jojo's Story
저자, 출판사 安托瓦内特·摩西 (Antoinette Moses) (作者), 黎成淑 (译者),北京语言大学出版社 북경어언대학출판사
크기 19.6 x 13 x 1 cm
쪽수 88
ISBN 9787561940426
출간일 2014年12月1日
목차 또는 책소개 目录 People in the story/故事中的人物 Before reading/读前思考 Chapter 1 Only me, Jojo/只剩乔乔我一个 Chapter 2 The men in the lorry/卡车上的士兵 Chapter 3 The field of the families/家族墓地 Chapter 4 The walls will fall down/墙会倒塌 Chapter 5 The river/大河 Chapter 6 The Children's House/儿童收容所 Chapter 7 Chris/克里斯 Chapter 8 Iknewyourbrother/我认识你哥哥 After reading/读后活动 Learning guide/学习指导 Translation/参考译文
고객평가 0건  ★★★★★ 0/5
저자 安托瓦内特·摩西 (Antoinette Moses) (作者), 黎成淑 (译者)
ISBN 9787561940426
출판사 北京语言大学出版社 북경어언대학출판사
총 상품금액 3,000


  • 出版社: 北京语言大学出版社; 第1版 (2014年12月1日)
  • 平装: 88页
  • 语种: 简体中文, 英语
  • 开本: 32
  • ISBN: 9787561940426
  • 条形码: 9787561940426
  • 商品尺寸: 19.6 x 13 x 1 cm
  • 商品重量: 159 g





作者:(英国)安托瓦内特·摩西(Antoinette Moses) 译者:黎成淑


People in the story/故事中的人物 
Before reading/读前思考 
Chapter 1 Only me, Jojo/只剩乔乔我一个 
Chapter 2 The men in the lorry/卡车上的士兵 
Chapter 3 The field of the families/家族墓地 
Chapter 4 The walls will fall down/墙会倒塌 
Chapter 5 The river/大河 
Chapter 6 The Children's House/儿童收容所 
Chapter 7 Chris/克里斯 
Chapter 8 Iknewyourbrother/我认识你哥哥 
After reading/读后活动 
Learning guide/学习指导 




I can't feel the ghosts of my family any more.Perhaps they are inside the stable.They don't know that I am outside here with the soldiers. 
The soldiers say that I am safe now.I want to believe them.But what's going to happen when they go away and I'm all alone again? 
I ask Chris and he tells me that the soldiers are going to take me with them. 
'You can't stay here all alone,' says Chris. 
I don't know where I'm going, but Chris tells me it's a long way away from the village.He says that I'm going to a place where there are lots of children like me.He says that there has been fighting in other places.And there are lots of children without families.But I have a family.They're here.The soldiers don't understand that.Chris doesn't understand.Only the ghosts understand.

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新概念英语 第二册 实践与进步智慧版 学生用书 신개념영어 제2책 실천여진보 지혜판 학생용서
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